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At Backlink Grower, we’re passionate about empowering you to boost your website’s search engine rankings. We offer insightful blogs and articles on backlinks, SEO strategies, and more. Plus, our user-friendly tools allow you to create valuable backlinks for free! Whether you’re a beginner or an SEO pro, Backlink Grower helps you achieve online success.

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Backlink Grower is owned by Gaurav Kumar and ran by this global, awesome team 👇

Gaurav Kumar
Author @ Backlink Grower 60 Articles
Gaurav Kumar: SEO expert, blogger, and backlink strategist. Get actionable tips on Backlink Grower.

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Title & H1 Tag Match? SEO Truth 🤯

Hello, SEO Explorers! 👋 Have you ever worried about whether your title tag and H1 tag should match? 🤔 Or…

SEO BACKLINKS: Your SEO Secret Weapon 🤫

Ever heard that SEO is like a popularity contest? Well, backlinks are your website's biggest cheerleaders! 📣 Think of them…

5 Easy Wins with Content Marketing 101

Ever heard the phrase "Content is king"? It's not just hype. In today's digital world, where everyone's vying for attention,…

😲 Emojis in SEO: Yay or Nay? 🤫

Emojis – those colorful little icons that express everything from joy 😃 to confusion 😕 – are everywhere these days.…